Contact Us

Contact Us (SSL compatible.)

Pease fill in the contact form below

Name (compulsory) Your surname
Your given name
Your Company Name or Organization Name (compulsory)
Department and/or Section
E-mail Address(compulsory)
Phone Number(compulsory)
Business Address
What would you like to contact us about? Please choose a category that best suits your query.

Details of your inquiry/request

sure that all the required fields are correctly entered and, and click the “Submit” button to proceed to the confirmation screen.

Personal Information Management

  • Based on the Personal Information Protection Law and other related regulations, SHP will use customer personal information where necessary to fulfill the purposes identified when collected from the contact forms; rest assured that such personal information will be encrypted and protected with SSL.
  • Please note that attempts for the Internet access with non-SSL-compliant browsers and those from corporate intranets could be blocked, when contacting us at our website. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
  • Unless approval is obtained from the customers, SHP shall not use the personal information that we have collected, except when responding to inquiries and comments.
  • When receiving emails from the customers and visitors at our website on weekends and the other non-business days, the responses may be sent on or after the following business day
  • Depending on the nature of the inquires or requests, we may be unable to provide prompt responses to them. In some cases, no information requested by customers may be provided.
    Your understanding is appreciated.