
Company Profile / History

Company Name SEI Optifrontier Co., Ltd.
Business: Manufacture and sales of optical networking equipments and components, optical fiber cables, machine tools and communication devices
Start of business: 1-Jul-10
Head office: 1, Taya-cho, Sakae-ku, Yokohama (Sumitomo Electric, Yokohama Works)
President: Naoki Yoshioka
Capital: 662 million yen (Wholly owned by Sumitomo Electric)
Consolidated sales: 32 billion yen (in 2012)
Employees: About 1,100
Certified by: ISO 9001
(Effective for Head Office, Shonan Plant, Suwa Plant and Tokyo Office)
ISO 14001
(Effective for Head Office, Shonan Plant and Suwa Plant)
NQAS (NTT's New Quality Assurance System)
(Effective for Head Office, Shonan Plant, Suwa Plant and Tokyo Office)
  • ISO9001