
Environmental Policy and Activities


We, Sumiden High Precision Co., Ltd., (SHP) continuously and steadily promote environmental protection activities from global perspectives. As a manufacturer of fiber optic products such as connectorized fiber cords and cables, optical and electric connectors, equipment and tools for telecommunication cables, and optical components / modules, all employees will strive to work in concert to protect environment and make harmonious coexistence with society, based on the specific activity guidelines below:

1.We fully recognize the impact of our production activities on environment and continuously make efforts to improve the environment by building ISO 14001-compliant environmental management system to reduce environmental impacts and prevent pollution.

2. We comply with environmental laws, regulations, agreements, and other requirements.

3. Among the environmental aspects regarding our production activities, we focus on the following aspects
1) Promoting energy saving such as reducing electricity consumption
2) Promoting resource saving and recycle of our products
3) Manufacturing products in consideration of environmental protection and pollution control

4. To promote environmental management activities, we set and trace environmental objectives and targets which are regularly reviewed.

5. This environmental policy will be fully notified to all employees and people who work for us, and disclosed to the public.